Hi Class
This is the survey that I applied to my students to know more about their reading habits.
their responses we can conclude that even there are students that don’t
read, most of them usually read books over magazines or other kind of
printing material.
More than half of them read one or two books during the summer.
of them have read books from the most popular series as Harry Potter,
Twilight, or the Hunger Games, but the majority was not engage with the
whole series.
Although 66% of the students enjoy reading, they still prefer to watch a movie based on a book than to read the book.
big majority (92%) thinks that reading is important for their future,
and they don’t know anybody from their class that is not able to read.
survey was applied among my students of Chemistry (59 responses) in
Orange Glenn HS, this is the High School in The Escondido High School
District that performs the lowest grades. So having that in mind, I
found things that are very encouraging: like more than half of the
students read a book during the Summer, that means to me that it was a
voluntary activity that they did, and even some of them read more than 5
books, I guess they engage themselves in one of the series that
teenagers are reading right now.
me, reading is a good habit, that should be encouraged among students.
It promotes creativity, knowledge, the use of your imagination,
exercises you memory - your brain, it causes pleasure, it can relaxes
you, and so many benefits. And I think that at a certain point we need
to be thankful to the authors of all the popular series that have been
published in the last decade or so, because they are really promoting a
reading habit.
really wish that the Hollywood writers will become more creatives and
will stop making movies of every single book that comes out!
Read a book!